Support the Center

We rely on contributions from people like you to continue our mission in the community. If you believe in the power of residents to change their neighborhoods, we hope that you will consider making a donation to The Center.

You may want to consider making a gift in honor or memory of someone or to commemorate a special occasion. We will send a card to the recipient letting him or her know about your special gift.

The Center for Great Neighborhoods is a 501(c)(3) non-­profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.


Donations by Mail:

The Center for Great Neighborhoods
321 W MLK Blvd Covington, KY 41014

Other ways you can help our organization:

Kroger Rewards: Giving Back to your Community is easy with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Add The Center for Great Neighborhoods as your Non­Profit Organization #83119. Register your Kroger card at and select The Center for Great Neighborhoods of Covington #83119. You will need your Kroger card to register.

Amazon Smile: Add The Center for Great Neighborhoods as your charitable organization. Shop

The Center for Great Neighborhoods of Covington meets all of the Better Business Bureau’s Standards for Charitable Accountability. To access a copy of the Center’s report, click here(link).