Healthy Body, Healthy Mind – Daniese Bush
Partnering with Covington Independent Schools and Covington Partners, Daniese’s project combined health and wellness to students attending after school programming at John G. Carlisle Elementary School. The one-day event will promoted physical awareness and physical fitness, and showed how significant and important the aforementioned is to a child’s growth. A healthy child who is not overweight or obese tends to be less stressful, anxious, and more self-confident in addition to being successful in their mental, emotional and social well-being.
Listen to Daniese talk about her project.
Signage Spruce Up – Renee Rudolph
This project created temporary outdoor signage to promote all of the projects being designed by this cohort of FreshLo Fellows. In addition, this project served as a way to collect community input regarding future, more permanent outdoor signage for The Center.
Listen to Renee talk about her project.
Sample The Westside – Rachel Jackson
Sample the Westside was an event in which families of the Westside come together and shared their cultural food recipes and activities with one another in a potluck style setting.
Listen to Rachael talk about her project.
Be @ Home – Del Shawn Hayes
The Be At Home was a project where families came together to form strong communities through conversation, food and activity.
Listen to Del Shawn talk about her project.