Covington Sparks

Covington Sparks is a program funded through a grant from Interact for Health.  This programs offers activities like reading, arts, sports, coding, mindfulness, and more. This program is FREE and is open to incoming K-5 students who live in Covington. To register a youth for the program fill out this form:

See below for the schedule of activities:

January 18th (Family Welcome)

-LevelUp Foundation: Mario Kart Tournament

January 25th (Family Welcome)

-Children’s Theatre: Peter Pan

February 1st (Kids Only)

-The Well: Mindfulness

-Nexplore: 3D Printing

February 8th (Family Welcome)

-Cincinnati Museum Center: Digging for Dinosaurs

-Artmarkit: Arts and Crafts

February 15th (Kids Only)

-The Well: Mindfulness

-Skool Aid: Drumming

February 22nd (Family Welcome)

-Skool Aid: Wheelchair Basketball

-The Well: Mindfulness

-Nexplore: Robocoding

-Art Equals: Arts and Crafts

March 8th (Family Welcome)

-MadCap Puppets: Pinocchio

March 15th (Kids Only)

-The Well: Mindfulness

-LevelUp Foundation: Super Smash Bros Boot Camp

-Art Equals: Arts and Crafts

March 22nd (Family Welcome)

-New Leaf Kitchen: Cooking

March 29th (Kids Only)

-The Well: Mindfulness

-Skool Aid: Mixed Martial Arts

April 5th (Family Welcome)

-Cincinnati Museum Center: Engineer It!

-ArtMarkit: Arts and Crafts

Check back later for updates!