Pop-Up Dog Park – Borden Gewin
Covington is lacking in canine recreational facilities and this project gains to collect feedback for a possible dog park location. The event plans to realized as a meet and greet day for dog owners and neighbors of the Westside and all of Covington.
Listen as Borden talks about his project.
Taste of the Westside – John Morgan
This project brought together Westside neighborhood eateries and provided samples of local restaurants for residents to enjoy.
Listen as John talks about his project.
Before You Play – Mark Alexander
Mark’s project created an informational board addressing excessive spending on lottery.
The board was comprised of 2 themes, “Before you play … are the kids OK? (do they have enough food)” and “Before you play … have the bills been paid ?”. Baskets were displayed showing items that can be bought for the dollar amount of non-winning lotto tickets.
Listen as Mark talks about his project.
15th Street Bridge Awareness – Terrise Carr
The goal of is project was to, not only raise awareness of the usage of the 15th Street Bridge, but also to emphasize the fact that if we lost that bridge, for those who walk, it would cut of the Westside residents from important community resources like the grocery store, childcare, workforce development and career training.
Listen to Terrise talk about his project.